Wednesday, 19 November 2008

omg: Dashboard update

yes, for all you 360 owners with xbox live will have noticed that you would have recieved an update. This update is basically a new dashboard design, and you will have the chance to create your own avatar, much like you can do on forums. I also believe that there is a new feature that you can have multiple privtate chat. So you can have 5 of your friends in the same chat room no matter what they are doing. Pretty cool really!

Thursday, 13 November 2008

3 Honours in 2 days! +6 videos

Most Veiwed This Week (United Kingdom)#89 (13/11/08)
Most Veiwed Today (Directors) #35 (11/11/08)
Most Veiwed Today (Overall) #39 (11/11/08)

i know there are tonnes of channels who get these honours pretty much every day, but i'm really happy with theses!

6 new videos out. Most of them are GOW 2 cutscenes which is what i imagine would get me the honours. I also uploaded 2 Fallout 3 Glitches for Free unlimited Caps/Stimpacks/Ammo and an unlimited exp method aswell.

Sunday, 9 November 2008

Fallout 3 + GOW 2 = pure 1337ness

both games are amazing. Already completed GOW on Saturday, not so farin Fallout. Fallout is probably one of the best games on the 360 and is an excellent RPG, though combat remains firmly in FPS territory. GOW needs no introduction, anyone who's played the first one will know how good it is. It is still pretty much the same gameplay, only there are a LOT more creatures to kill. the scale of the game has been greatly increased, so it gives the impression that a war is actually going on around you. Horde mode is also a great add-on

anywayz, videos:

2 coming out on Fallout 3
mabye one or two for Portal (orange box/still alive)
possibly GOW 2, but not many glitches are out for that yet